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IRS Form 2290 Rejected?
Re-File Rejected Form 2290 for FREE* with EZ2290.

A Form 2290 rejection may come across as surprising but there’s no need to panic. EZ2290 support can help you re-file your rejected returns with required form corrections for free, if you have already filed with EZ2290.

Why eFile 2290 with EZ2290

Leading IRS 2290 eFile Provider

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Why is my 2290 getting rejected?

Reasons for Form 2290 Rejection

The IRS could reject your Form 2290 due to missing details in the form or incorrect information given by you. Here are the most common reasons for Form 2290 rejection:

Incorrect VIN:

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique identifying code for a vehicle. VINs are used by the IRS to track the tax history associated with the number.

Reporting an incorrect VIN on your Form 2290 will lead to rejection. If you have reported incorrect VINs on your 2290 returns, you can file a Form 2290 VIN Correction, which is exclusively used to address the incorrect VIN reporting.

TIN/EIN Details:

An incorrect Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or employer identification number (EIN) will also cause your Form 2290 to be rejected. The TIN or EIN is used by the IRS to track the tax and compliance history of the businesses.

When you enter a TIN/EIN in any of the returns, the IRS checks the TIN and the name associated with that number against its own records to validate the details. If the provided TIN/EIN does not match the records, the IRS will reject the returns.

If the EIN doesn’t match the business name, you’ll get the “Error Code R0000-922” in your rejection notice. In case there is a name or address change, select the Name Change or Name or Address Change check box on the return.

Incorrect First Use Month (FUM):

The first use month is the month when you first start using the vehicle. Since vehicle purchases are asset purchases, the transaction for a newly purchased vehicle is reported to the IRS by your seller.

This information will be checked by the IRS to validate the transaction. If you have reported an incorrect or wrongful month of first use, your returns will be rejected for false reporting and tax evasion.

Incorrect Mileage Usage:

If your vehicle has exceeded the 5000-mile mark and you did not report the additional miles on your 2290 returns, your form will be rejected, and penalties may also be imposed for the same. 

Non-Compliance Citations:

When the IRS rejects your HVUT 2290 returns citing non-compliance, it means that the business is under the radar for tax evasion, defying workplace safety norms, fraud, unverified resources and documentation, criminal history, and other violations.

If you have a poor history of filing returns or paying taxes, or if you do not have substantial evidence to support the lack of will to file your taxes and pay them, the IRS may penalize your business for each such violation.

Duplicate Filing:

The IRS rejection notice will cite the Error Code R0000-194 for duplicate filings. Your Form 2290 return will be considered a duplicate filing if you file with the same EIN, VIN, weight Category, and the First Used Month more than once during the same tax year. There can’t be more than one Form 2290 for a single vehicle.

RTN Rejection:

The rejection Error Code R0000-906-01 means that your Routing Transit Number (RTN) or bank routing number included in the return for the HVUT payment is invalid. If you get this error, you can re-enter the correct RTN for the Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) payment option and resubmit Form 2290.

How to avoid 2290 Rejection

Avoid Form 2290 Rejection with EZ2290